Sunday, April 1, 2007

Bye Bye Do

This weekend has been a little crazy. Since mom was on Spring Break, she came to Fayetteville with me on Friday to have a little away time. I met my new teacher Friday afternoon and took my Praxis on Saturday.

Dad arrived Saturday afternoon and brought Braden with him. It was Braden's first big away trip without Jonathan and Melanie! He was, shall we say, into everything. He found things in my house I thought I had lost forever. Mom and dad wanted to get Braden some new shoes, so Saturday night we headed to Target. Braden loved his new shoes so much!

Sunday was a little crazy too. Since it was Missions Sunday at the church, all the kiddos performed. And since Braden was in the nursery, he got to perform too!

My children's choir also performed on Sunday and did a great job. I was so proud of them.

After church, mom, dad, Braden, and I headed to the Catfish Hole for lunch. After a quick nap, they decided to head home. Since Braden can't quite say my name, he calls me Do (like do, re, mi), short for Glo, which for some unknown reason to me my family still calls me. Anyway, as we were walking to the car, Braden looked up at me and said, "Bye, bye Do." It was all I needed!


KimL said...

Adorable! That's too cute Do.

Gloria Brown said...

I thought about Jacob when he called be Boria. So cute!