Thursday, April 26, 2007


Well, since the time is approaching when I will no longer be a student at the U of A and I will loose all my privileges that I receive as a student (free e-mail and internet, etc.), I decided to make a grown-up purchase. I finally am now connected to the world of high speed internet. It's amazing! I no longer have to hear that horrible noise when I connect to the internet (yes, I have been blogging to you on an ancient dial up connection!). I love that as soon as I open my computer, BAM, I'm surfin' the net with not a care in the world. So, welcome me to the fast lane!

I also received my final scores from my Praxis I test that I took a few weeks ago. As I told you early, I knew I passed two of the three modules but had to wait for the scores for the writing section. Needless to say, I passed... with flying colors! All three sections were scored out of 190 points. My lowest score was 180, and my highest was 184 (that was in math, which I haven't actually had to do for real since 1995!). GO ME!


Anonymous said...

You are the smartest person I know (and i know everyone)! Congrats on being !muy intelligente! Love the new header on the blog and welcome to the world of "fast".

Gloria Brown said...

Ahh, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I cant beleive you had doubts! You are amazing and you know it!!!
:) `jami

Anonymous said...

Yes, I mispelled BELIEVE... sorry. :)

Gloria Brown said...

Jami, you crack me up!