Saturday, March 31, 2007

So I can still take a test!

I took the Praxis I today, and definitively passed two of the three sections! Yeah! I have to wait for the third section to be scored since they are judging my writing (a.k.a. "BS") ability. I can't believe I had to pay $125 to take this test. It's really a money making scheme set up by the educational field: making pre-teachers pay hundreds of dollars to take tests that in essence duplicate what a degree tells you (you know your subject, and you can read write and add). I have to register for four more tests for the summer. So, my summer will be just as stressful as my spring break was!

In other news, I met with my new mentor teacher yesterday. She seems very nice, and her students seemed to like her a lot. I am more excited about not having to get up at the break of dawn anymore. The school I have to be at at 7:45 is ten minutes from my house! I love sleep, and now I get to get more of it.

I do have one major decision to make in the upcoming weeks. Do I cut my hair or not? I really like it long, since I can do so much more with it, but I do like getting my hair cut short. And I haven't done it in quite a while. Anyway, that's my drama for today. I'm sure I'll have more in the upcoming days!


KimL said...

G, I really like your hair both ways. You can't go wrong. If you're going to cut it, summer is a good time. can't wait to see it!

Rachel Cornett said...

G...CUT IT!! It looks so good short!!

Gloria Brown said...

I may have to wait until I'm finished with the internship. It's just so easy to wake up and put it in a pony tail! Apparently, I'm in a rut and should cut it, but it's so nice to get those extra ten minutes of sleep in the morning!