Tuesday, February 26, 2008

E-mail Meets the Blog

I received a great e-mail from my Aunt Polly today. I thought I'd share!

Cell Phone vs. The Bible
I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bibles like we treat our cell phone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets or attached to our belts?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
This is something to make you go hmmm... where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
Makes you stop and think "Where are my priorities?"
And no dropped calls!
I just thought I'd share. Have a great day!

Wanted: Sledge hammer for office equipment destruction

It's official. My computer is broken. Nothing works, I can't connect to the Internet, and I don't know what I'm going to do. It really sucks! Especially when I want to get on YouTube and check out all the not-so-decent behavior of the house guests on Big Brother. I know; horrible show, and you can't believe I watch it, but there you go.

I still haven't heard from any of my job prospects. I'm not loosing heart though. I know the districts have to keep the positions open for a certain amount of time and it's only been a little over two weeks since I completed the application and everything. But, I still am asking for your prayers with this whole situation. I know that God has something set aside just for me; I just have to trust Him enough to wait for it!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Will Enter His Gates....

Have you ever had one of those days that you know God had His hand on? Today was one of those days for me. No, I didn't get offered an amazing teaching position without having to go through the interview process, nor have I heard anything... yet. But it just started out with small miracles happening and continued that way. I woke up before my alarm went off and had plenty of time to get ready, so I didn't have to rush around the house. When I got to the school, I had a parking place waiting just for me really close to my building (on the UA campus, that's a huge miracle!). I ate two amazing Girl Scout Thin Mints for breakfast (these just made me feel even better). At lunch, I moved one of the department vehicles to an open parking space (that makes two spaces in one day!). I ran to my apartment for lunch, swung by Sonic, got a Dr. Pepper (haven't had one of these in a while) with some spare change from the car, made it back to the same parking spot I left from (three spots in one day- when's the rapture!), and all in under an hour. I heard from a friend who's looking for a marketing job, and through some connections I know, got his resume in the system at a great firm here in Fayetteville. I hope the day continues on like this. Thank you Lord for this beautiful day you've given to me! Now, only if it ices tonight and we don't have to work tomorrow, will another day top today.

Monday, February 18, 2008

I Always Need an Ego Boost!

Some of the guys in the office today were talking about people they knew in high school, which then brought up the age issue. When one of them asked me how old I was and I replied in my early thirties (gasp, I admitted it!), I was told that I didn't look over 25. I love looking way younger than I am. It's a great feeling.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Title Change!

So, since my teaching debut has been over for a while, I decided to change the title of my blog. I share a lot of my life experiences here and thought that's what the title of my blog should reflect. Anyway, here it is. Life, as it happens to me.

Make a Joyful Noise

One of the things I'm really involved with is my church praise team. I don't think a lot of people realize how much time this consumes from each of our lives. The entire praise team meets for rehearsals on Wednesday nights (which can go as long as two hours depending on material and upcoming events) and Sunday mornings (an hour before Sunday school). We minister every Sunday morning, some Sunday evenings, and at several other conferences and such the church hosts. For each event, we have to be at the venue at least 30 minutes and sometimes an hour before service. Occasionally, the instrumentalists get together for extra rehearsals during the week. I know that I appreciate how much work Shawn, our leader, puts into the praise team. We would probably sound as bad as he thinks we do if he wasn't a part of the praise team. So, here's to you Shawn! Thanks!

From left: Shawn, Tyler (behind Shawn), Tucker, Gayla, Jeff, Jacalyn, Rachel, and Me.

In the soundbooth and not pictured: Jeremiah and Miranda

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Is For Losers!

I'm really not a bitter person. Valentine's Day can be fun for many people. In fact, it's my friend Melanie's husband's birthday I think. But a few years ago, someone in the office I was working in came across a shirt in the mall that summed up my Valentinical feelings for that day. It still makes me laugh when I see this picture. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Clockwise from top: Jami, Garrick, Me, Zeak.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses an Eye...

I found out this weekend that one of my friends traded in for a new automobile. What kind of auto you ask? I'm still not sure. My friend won't tell me. At first my friend informed me that the new car was an Audi A6. I totally bought that, until last night when I received a text message that said it may or may not be an Audi. I think my friend finds it humorous to dangle everyone on a limb and play with their sanity. To me, it's not that funny. I just want to know what kind of new car my friend now has. I would like to celebrate with my friend over this new addition to my friend's possessions. But I guess I'm now in this for the long haul, at least until I stalk my friend and find out for sure what car was purchased. From clues my friend has sent me, I think I'm leaning toward a BMW. That was my first guess.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Missing: Music Teacher Job

Today, I received an e-mail from Tami, one of the teachers I interned with last year. She wanted me to apply for a position at her school. With the growth the district has had over the last few years, they are now at the point of hiring a new ELEMENTARY MUSIC TEACHER! I really don't want to get my hopes up only to have them crushed in a few weeks. I have already gone through that whole business last August. So, I'm asking that you all pray very hard for me that God will guide me into where I need to be and that all the doors will open easily for me. I don't think I can handle another debacle like last year.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I'm in Love!

And her name is Audrie. I called Jamie around 7:30 PM tonight to see if they were still awake, and luckily, they were. Even Audrie was awake. Apparently she hasn't realized yet that nighttime is for sleeping and daytime is for waking, but she's only one full day old. Give her time. So after about an hour and a half of some serious baby holding, I finally passed her off to Granny Donna (Jamie's mom) and went home. I think I'm still exhausted!

If you would like to check out more of the baby world, you can check out Rachel's blog. She's also given everyone access to some amazing pictures from Audrie's birth that Kim took. Kim is probably the best photographer I've ever seen! I love Kim. Check out Audrie's first picture with her Aunt Gloria taken by the fabulous Kim! Did I tell you how great Kim is?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thundercats Go!

Friday night, I went to see Juno with Rachel and Jamie and Jim and Emily. When the main character, Juno, goes into labor, she yells to her dad "Thundercats Go!" Well, we all found that absolutely hilarous, and so we joked that when Rachel went into labor, Jamie should text/call us with only the words "Thundercats Go!" Well, this morning, at 5:34 AM, my phone rang, and when I answered, Jamie said two words to me: "Thundercats Go!"

Rachel started her contractions around 3:00 AM and finally headed to the hospital at 7:00 AM. I arrived with Jamie's mother around 8:30 AM. From there on, Rachel moved through labor like a trooper. She suffered through contractions until about 10:30 AM, had the epidural, began pushing at 12:25 PM and had Audrie at 12:44 PM. Mom and baby are doing fine, and Dad is ecstatic! Happy Birthday Audrie!

Audrie Diana Cornett
February 5, 2008
12:44 PM
7 lbs. 13 oz.
19 inches

Monday, February 4, 2008


No, I don't have a teaching job... Yet. But I am now an officially licensed educator in the state of Arkansas. I received my license in the mail Friday. It was seriously such a good feeling to see that I have officially completed all the requirements, and now there should be no excuse not to hire me.

In other news: if you are in one of the highlighted states, make sure you go vote tomorrow. Or caucus, or whatever your state does. It may just be a primary, and there may be millions of other people voting. And what if everyone said that one vote doesn't matter, and no one voted because everyone thought everyone else was going to vote? What would that mean? How would we be able to look each other in the eye and know that somehow, Mickey Mouse was voted in as our next president? Not sure where to vote? Check out your your Secretary of State's website, or Arkansans can just click here.