Saturday, March 24, 2007

Au Revoir Mis Amies!

Well, it's been an interestingly sad weekend. Several of my friends are leaving for a ski trip to Colorado tonight, and I am not going. Do you know how disappointed I am about this? I don't get the chance to ride in a cramped car for 15 hours, travel through massive thunderstorms, munch on all kinds of snacks including beef jerky, nor survive the massive fumes from the overactive colons of the boys. I will need an OFC update tomorrow, by the way (OFC- Official Fart Count).

Have fun without me, my friends, and think of me when you get to the bottom of the hill and no one is there to great you with PB-n-J sandwiches and Walprofen. Maybe Evan will discover he has a seven year old snickers in one of his pockets that you can all snack on. Be safe and avoid trees at all costs! Girls, have fun at the spa; I'll get my massage on Tuesday too! And now, I'm off to the farthest reaches of the Ozark Mountains called Batesville. God help me!

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