Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Need Your Help!

Take a look at these pictures and let me know which hair style you think I should get. I have an appointment Thursday, and I can't wait to get a new look!

Here's my current look.... And here are a few options...

Let me know what you think!


Emily said...

I'm thinking #1 or #8.....gotta love the Queen.

Brian and Mel said...

I like #1 on the cut...but I love the cut and the color for you on number 5 but I also think #7 is fun...

Clare said...

I like #'s 1, 4 and 5. I love 4, I wish I had the courage to cut my hair that short. Maybe after my hair gets long enough to donate I'll be ready for short short hair!

ek said...

i agree. 1 or 5.