So, the interview was a little strange. I got there a few minutes early, but they went ahead and started then. I interviewed with the principal and the assistant principal. No other faculty members were there; no music personnel, no one. So, introductions were made, and then we got down to business. Except the business part (that would be the questions they asked me) felt like they were from a manual called "How to Conduct an Education Interview." All the questions were very generic, and none of them related to the music field specifically, oh, other than my abilities to put on a show (which are not in doubt, by the way!). After about ten questions, I was asked if I had any questions. Which I did, and they were answered. Then that was it. They didn't ask to see a resume, a portfolio, nothing. Luckily, I was prepared and brought two copies of my abbreviated portfolio to leave for each of them. Now, those booklets seemed to have made an impression! Finally something worth note. After the polite thank yous and everything, I walked out the door...
...And ran right in to Tami! It was great to see her. She asked me how it went, and when I told her it was strange, she said her initial interview was a little weird too. She did provide some encouragement, and that really lifted my spirits. I really don't know what to think about this interview. I now have to wait until the first of April to find out if I got the job. As Jami told me this morning, my life's a waiting game.
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