Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Top 10 Reasons August 2007 Is Worst Month Ever

Here are the top 10 Reasons I will never remember August 2007 as the best month ever for me (and there's still a week and a half left!).

10. I didn't get a job.

9. The Razorback ticket office screwed up my tickets, so now I have to sit in the same horrible seats as last year.

8. I have cried more in the last two weeks than I have cried my entire life all because I didn't get a job.

7. I turned down a job in Newport in hopes of a position at Haas Hall that never came about, so I didn't get a job.

6. Gravette strung me along for a week, and I didn't get a job.

5. I auditioned for a choir, and, though I have a degree in voice, was told I wasn't good enough.

4. I still don't have a job.

3. Human Resources at the UA told me I didn't qualify for a job, even though I totally do, so I didn't even get to interview for a job.

2. Did I mention that I didn't get a job of any kind.

1. It's hot.

In the immortal words of my friend Erin: "Bitter, party of one!"


KimL said...

Strong Britney! we love you!

Madame Kemp said...

i love it. you're awesome...i think god is just setting you up to have a great september!

Gloria Brown said...

My goodness, I hope so! If I have another month like this one, I might have to make some phone calls for some medication!