Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Loses an Eye...

I found out this weekend that one of my friends traded in for a new automobile. What kind of auto you ask? I'm still not sure. My friend won't tell me. At first my friend informed me that the new car was an Audi A6. I totally bought that, until last night when I received a text message that said it may or may not be an Audi. I think my friend finds it humorous to dangle everyone on a limb and play with their sanity. To me, it's not that funny. I just want to know what kind of new car my friend now has. I would like to celebrate with my friend over this new addition to my friend's possessions. But I guess I'm now in this for the long haul, at least until I stalk my friend and find out for sure what car was purchased. From clues my friend has sent me, I think I'm leaning toward a BMW. That was my first guess.

1 comment:

KimL said...

I love that picture. It kind of sums it up!