Thursday, August 14, 2008

Facing My Fears...And Running Away From Them!

One thing that really bothers me more than anything in the world is spiders. I don't know why; I've never had a bad experience with spiders, other than they creep me out. I did used to have a recurring nightmare as a child where spiders would chase me and eventually cover every square inch of the room where I was in my dream.

Since I've moved into the country, a mostly wooded area by the way, I've had to deal with spiders all around my house. And by spiders I don't mean a small, easy to kill, breath of a spider. I'm talking about the hardy, takes a Mack truck to kill them spiders. Last night as I was watering my flowers, I disturbed a very large could eat a cow spider. Seriously, the thing was as big as both of my hands put together and was not an Arkansas tarantula! I really do think it could have taken down a cow or at least a small deer or something. Needless to say, I stopped watering my flowers, walked into the house, shut the door, closed the blinds, and proceeded to pretend I had not witnessed the running of the largest spider ever. I think they could have used this one could have played Aragog is "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."

So needless to say, this move has forced me to face my arachnophobia head on, eight legs and all. It's either that or continue to run around my car with a flashlight trying to avoid all the spider webs and their makers while carrying in all my groceries!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

love the new look gloria!