Today is my birthday. Thanks mom!
Anyway, my wonderful, thoughtful, and loving friends had a small get together last night in honor of the day I was born. Rachel and Jamie made a wonderful dinner, and Kim and Rachel and I ended up dishing about Harry Potter. Rachel hasn't ever read the books (she's not a fan *horrors*) so she didn't mind hearing how it ended. Jamie on the other hand, is currently reading the last book, so he can't/doesn't want to hear the ending. It's going to be interesting now that Rachel knows how his book ends...
Back on track. I knew that I wanted to see Hairspray when I first saw the trailer, so that's the movie I picked for my birthday. Apparently, some of my friends don't trust my choice of movies. Rachel really wanted to see it, and Jamie came along, cursing the day I was born. But by the end of the movie, he was singing my praises once again. It is really one of the cutest, funniest movies that has come out in a long time. If you get a chance, go see it! I give it two thumbs up!
Curses! I hate that I had to miss the b-day festivities AND Hairspray! I've been wanting to see it? Anyone care to go again? I don't think B is interested...! Happy Birthday Glori-ous! LOVE YOU!
G, you've been such a great friend for many MANY years so Jamie and I were glad to "do all the things you wanna do" for your bday! We love you (and plus we gotta keep our favorite cook happy)!
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