Monday, July 14, 2008

Daddy We're Down

After my jaunty visit into teacher land, I returned to Fayetteville and proceeded to crash into bed after a full day of travelling, workshops, breaking and entering, and more travelling. Yes, I did say breaking and entering. I guess I probably shouldn't publish that, but since nothing was stolen and no property was damaged, I'm sure I'll be alright telling this story. Mom and I finished our workshops and decided to look at a few rent houses that were available. One was in Horseshoe Bend and kind of in a secluded spot, so I took the opportunity to practice my B&E skills. I actually used a credit card (alright, it was a used up gift card- I don't want to damage anything that still might work!) to pop the lock, and it totally worked! I've never been able to do that before, and that door seriously popped open like I put a key in it. Anyway, the house was really cute and just perfect, so we headed back to Batesville. I didn't leave Mom and Dad's house until after 7:00 PM, so it was almost midnight when I got home. I seriously crashed into the bed, with all my clothes on and everything.

In the morning, I started getting ready for work, and tried to open my closet to pick out my clothes. I did say try. My closet had fallen off the wall for like the third time. Take my advice, don't ever by those vinyl-coated steel shelving units for a closets; they are useless and cannot hold enough clothing to make a closet as big as mine work! I think I've had three hundred screws placed into the walls of my closet to hold this, and it still falls down. Rather than going through the trauma of the repair men having to fix it, I just packed everything into boxes and stacked it in my closet. I kept out enough dress clothes for the next two weeks, and even started packing for Florida. Well, at least until Oliver decided to pee in my suitcase, on my clothes. I spent the next few hours doing laundry and scrubbing out my suitcase. I do not want to smell like the old crazy lady with 300 cats!

Sunday I spent more time packing (all of my pictures and small nick-knacks are safely put into boxes) and watching Anne of Green Gables. I love these stories and the mini-series is one of my favorites. Emily has the first two on DVD, so I borrowed them from her. I even noticed the next installment of the series is on PBS on Sunday afternoon. I'm really looking forward to watching it; I've never seen this part. Anyway, that's what's been going on with me.

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