Monday, December 17, 2007

'Tis the Season!

I always knew December weekends were extremely busy, but I always seem to forget how busy each year. Last Tuesday, I attended a concert for the Haas Hall Academy's Choir. It was their first Christmas Concert, and it really made me appreciate how much I have learned in my education to be a choir director. The director of this choir has had no training to be a choral director, he's the Spanish teacher, and unfortunately his lack of knowledge in the area of vocal music really showed. But the kids sang their hearts out and got an A+ for effort. Thursday night, I drove to Bentonville and saw Rachel's kids in their "Home for the Holidays" show. I taught some of these kids last year, and they did an amazing job as always. Kudos to the Spring Hill Choirs!

Friday night, I was invited to several functions, but instead chose to catch dinner and a movie with some friends. We were all anticipating the large amounts of snow the local weather forecasters had predicted, but eventually settled for all the wasted snow as it came down as an extremely cold, wet, messy rain. We ate at Mimi's Cafe, and then headed over to the theater to catch August Rush. It was so cute and a completely modern fairy tale. If you are in the music education business, you should see it. It's almost as inspiring as Mr. Holland's Opus. Almost. When we left, we couldn't tell if the puddles under our chairs were from our tears or from our dripping umbrellas.

After the movie, I headed over to Jamie and Rachel's where we worked on our Christmas Special we "volunteered" to perform on Sunday. We worked on our arrangement of Silent Night, and then I headed home to the b.e.d. Saturday was a great break. Since the Bentonville Children's Choir concert was cancelled due to the inclement weather, I got laundry done, finished all my Christmas cards, wrapped a few presents, and watched "Holiday in Handcuffs." Seriously, that's what I watched! All while I waited for the massive amounts of snow.

Sunday was great. I did have to make a few trips to the sink to get some hot water to unfreeze my car doors, but unfortunately I did not have to dig my car out from the blizzard we were promised. I think I counted a total of 254 flakes of snow on my car. So many people came up to Jamie, Rachel, and me after church and said they really appreciated our song. Rachel played the piano, Jamie played his saxophone, I played my flute, and Rachel and I sang. It really did go well. After church, I went out to eat with some of the people from the praise team and then we saw I Am Legend with Will Smith. Afterward, I took some time for myself and wandered through the mall looking for some sort of Christmas present I had missed. Eventually I made my way home, watched the Survivor: China finale, and then headed to bed. Ahhhh-mazing!

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