Monday, December 10, 2007

O NOT Holy Night

O Holy Night is one of my favorite Christmas songs. However, every year around this time, I usually send a reminder of how badly this song can go. This year, I found the video to go with the audio.

***CAUTION: This video will offend your musical sensibilities, even if you have none to speak of. Listen all the way through if you can. The last line of the song is perhaps my favorite moment of the worst performance ever of this song.


Anonymous said...

Shut up! You found it on video?! That is great! This has got to be a lip sync, though. I doubt seriously that this is the actual person that sang it in the studio. It is hilarious, though.

"Deviiiiii ... Hiiiiiine!"

Rachel Cornett said...

I wish I could access blogs from my school, because I would love to show my students all this great stuff you have about these songs!