This post is going to be a little long, so I hope you have enough time to read it in one setting!
This has been the toughest week yet. I was luckily given a four day weekend thanks to my ah-mazing mentor teacher. So, I spent a lot of time playing with a two-year-old and holding a little guy. Monday was inservice for the district, and I was joining Rachel for a few classes. The morning session was fun; we skipped the music part and attended an Arkansas History class. I learned some interesting information about the area. But I surprised myself with how much I remembered about Arkansas History (Meme would have been so proud!). After this we went to join the other music teachers as they were pounding away on their drums (literally!) learning a few new techniques in an Orff session. Rachel and I missed the boring talk and got to have some fun!
During lunch, Rachel and I ran to her house, which was about five minutes from the school we were meeting in. When we got there, I thought my stomach felt a little queasy, but I thought it was because I was hungry or something. Ha! Little did I know, God was playing a joke on me. About five minutes into my meal I knew something did not feel right. I went on with the day and even asked Rachel for some Tums. To my unpleasant realization, it was not indigestion.
We got back to the school, and on the way to the music room, I spotted the bathroom (just in case). Good thinkin' on my part! About fifteen minutes into the session on Recorders, I decided to hurry to the restroom. All I will say is holy cow. I went back into the class and thought I was going to pass out on the floor. I wasn't running a fever, but boy did I feel like I had been hit by a piano falling from 80 stories. I survived for about another 45 minutes. I leaned over to Rachel, and she knew: it was time for me to go. And, lucky for her, since I rode with her, she got to leave early too!
I was out of commission for two days. It was miserable. I HATE vomiting. Not just dislike, I really loathe throwing up. It's something about my gag reflex I think. So having to do that for a full day was torture for me. I laid in bed and did not move for almost 15 hours, breathing shallowly through my nose. I really wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Thursday came and went with no big problems. It was a normal Thursday. Friday was a little bit more fun. Rachel was leaving on a bus for St. Louis with the Bentonville Children's Choir, so that meant I was teaching all day! I had a blast. The sixth grade select chorus composed the first two classes. They were a little tough, since they get to work with Rachel ever week, but I managed to make some head way, and we did get a lot of stuff done.
The fifth grade in the afternoon was another matter. These two classes are probably the toughest ones to teach. It's not just behavior issues with students (which is partly the problem), but, hello, it's Friday afternoon countdown. Oh well, it's just band right?
Next week is my last week at Spring Hill with Rachel. It's a little bittersweet. I am really excited about working with Tami Leadabrand at Farmington, but I am really going to miss seeing Rachel, Shannon, and Melanie every day! But, this could lead to a lot of interesting stories; Kindergarten students tend to be a little more detailed and attached with their problems! Thanks for bearing with me, and hopefully the next installment won't take eight years to read.
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