Saturday, June 6, 2009

Jonathan Got a New Hip.

When my brother was five, he was diagnosed with a disease called Calve-Perthes Disease. His ball-joint of his hip was deteriorating, causing him to have significant pain and other problems. After having to wear a leg brace for about two years, his condition improved.

His leg had been fine, but over the last few years, it had started causing him problems. His doctor had been putting off a hip replacement for as long as possible, but in March, the doctor said it was time. His hip had reached a point where the femoral head, or ball-joint, was in necrosis and needed to be removed before Jonathan lost the ability to walk.

We travelled to Little Rock to St. Vincent's where Dr. Newbern and his staff replaced Jonathan's hip. (You can watch a short video on hip replacement here.) After two days, Jonathan was on his way home with a new hip and five inch incision with fifteen staples.

He's been staying with Mom and Dad since his house has lots of stairs and Melanie is at work most of the day. He's been a relatively good patient, not taking too much advantage of not being able to do much of anything. Keep him in your prayers; he's going to be at the mercy of others for another five weeks or so.

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