Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I hate being sick...

I've been diagnosed with bronchitis. I hate coughing, I hate coughing, I hate coughing. It's not my favorite thing to do. Let alone, the nose blowing or the not being able to breath. I missed the last two days of school because of this. Not fun in the slightest!
On another note, because of the ice, our school district was originally going to have to make up four days. The school board wanted us to fore go our spring break to make up the days. All the teachers vetoed that one! After the state forgave two of the days, we now only have to make up two days. This is going to be a lot easier to do. We already have to go two days after Memorial Day in May, so why not go the whole rest of the week anyway!
Ahh, just think- only 61 school days to go until Summer Vacation!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monthly Report

I really didn't mean to go for almost a month before putting up a new post. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, lots of things have been happening. January 26 brought some light to heavy rain that decided to freeze as it fell. Because of that, I lived without electricity or phone at my house for almost two weeks. Okay, so I didn't live there when there wasn't electricity, I was at my parents' house, but the point is I was displaced because of the storm.

We were out of school for six days and are still suffering from the effects of the ice- no phones and internet at the elementary and no drinking water at the high school. Yes, I said no drinking water. Brockwell is under a boil order, so all the drinking fountains and such have been turned off. Each day, students and teachers are given one bottle of water to last all day. Mr. Walker, our superintendent, has filed an appeal to see if we can have the days we missed forgiven so we don't have to go through the middle of June.

The community in and of itself looks like a tornado has gone through it. A large quantity of trees are either down or have lost or broken branches. Houses have suffered lots of damage from falling trees and branches, not to mention the weight 3-4 inches of ice plus 5-6 inches of snow puts on roofs and trees. We're trying to get back to normal, and it looks like we are going to survive, as long as the tornadoes and straight line winds don't tear down all the work the electric companies just completed!

I officially am a homeowner. We closed on the house last week, so all the papers are signed and the deed to the house is now in my name with mom and dad. It's going to be so fun getting this house ready. As you can see from the pictures, there needs to be a lot of work. The previous owner had her own style of decorating that does not include good taste! I've been working on color pallets and flooring choices, and wishing for new furniture. We'll see what happens in the near future.

Viewing these pictures may cause you to want to vigorously clean your house and may insult your aesthetic sensibilities.

We also welcomed a new member to our family. Jonathan and Melanie adopted a full blooded black German shepherd named Black Jack Special, or Jack for short. He's a beautiful dog and absolutely huge!

From January 2009

Anyway, all's good here.