So, I have had one of the WORST DAYS EVER!
Let's go back a few days, shall we...
Saturday morning, I woke up with a rather sore throat. I thought nothing of it; it is the beginning of the worst part of the allergy season for me, so I just made a note to remember to take my Zyrtec that night. I had gotten up early. I had an appointment at the Ford dealership to replace a turn signal light. Nothing big or dramatic planned for the rest of the day.
As Saturday went on, I started feeling really bad, and noticed my throat kept getting worse... and worse... and worse. I finally broke down and started gargling with warm salt water with a dash of peroxide, to kill all the nasties I knew were growing in my throat. Apparently, it didn't work.
When I awoke Sunday morning to the beautiful trilling of my mother yelling at Landon to get dressed for church, I knew something was not right. My throat was on fire. I could not swallow, nor could I breath through my nose. I felt like I was drowning, and thus began expelling volumes and volumes of mucus, not in a tissue, no that would be the easy, polite way to do it. Since I could swallow, nor do much of anything, I mostly spewed (sorry for the graphic nature of this post!!!) from my mouth any time there was any kind of liquid build up in my mouth. I have never been so miserable in my life.
I had a small bit of a voice left, so I called the secretary at the High School and quietly asked her for a sub for Monday please. She obliged. I went to bed. The plan was for dad to call the doctor's office Monday morning, since there was no way I would be able to be understood on the phone. Dad did so. I went to the doctor, got my diagnosis (Strep throat, of course), got my antibiotics, and was forbidden to go to work Tuesday. Dr. Oliver told me Wednesday would be pushing it. Man, I really should have listened...
Mom called the secretary for me Monday night, because by then, I would have had to use the telephone relay for the deaf in order to speak on the phone. I slept in Tuesday and really felt a whole lot better.
Wednesday morning, I planned to leave early since I had morning duty and hadn't been in my classroom for two days. I leftwell ahead of schedule, not believing my good fortune- what a dupe! As I drove into Melbourne, fifteen minutes from my school, I began having a scratching in my throat. I started looking for a place to pull over, because I didn't want to, for lack of a better word, spew all of the window. I grabbed for my coffee and managed to get the hack attack under control. At least I thought I did.
As I pulled into my parking space at school, I started the cough again. Only this time it's accompanied by the spew! How I managed to get out of my car before the stream began, I have no idea. As I survey the damage, praying there is none on the inside of my car, I realized that everything is out on the asphalt. Everything that is except the small spot about the size of my cell phone on my knee. I think to myself, I can manage that. A little water and a shout wipe, and we're all good.
I began puttering around my room, not used to having about 30 minutes before kids arrive. I should never count my chickens...
7:25 AM
Room's a disaster. Trash and chairs everywhere. Permission forms and t-shirt orders piled up on my desk.
7:40 AM
All's well. Chairs are set up. Computer is on. Piano is ready. Pile is under control.
7:45 AM
Andrew arrives early in class like usual. Since he's in a wheelchair, he likes to avoid high traffic areas. I begin getting ready to head to the cafeteria.
7:48 AM
Kiara walks in with a question about our up-coming field trip. I notice my stomach is doing a few flips. Not the upper digestive, but the lower digestive.
7:49 AM
Stomach still flipping, more insistently now.
7:50 AM
Rather than heading to the cafeteria for duty, I head to the teacher's lounge for the bathroom.
7:51 AM
I arrive at the teacher's lounge bathroom about 10 seconds too late. I will not go into details, but I will say that I will now always carry a change of clothes in my car.
8:02 AM
I walk into the secretary's office. I get her attention. She and several other teachers look at me and I very politely say, Ms. Juanita, I need a sub.
8:30 AM
Ms. Juanita's sister arrives to sub for me. I gather my belongings and head home.
I think the gift wrapping and the bow were just an added insult to the way I was feeling.