Well, my interview was scheduled for 10:00 AM. When I got there, they were running about twenty minutes late. The interview finally started at 10:17, and I wasn't expecting too much since the girl they interviewed before me was only in there for like 10 minutes. I was introduced to everyone, and we began.
There were a lot of standard questions (tell us about yourself, why music education, how do you handle discipline in class, etc.), but there were also a few surprises. They picked a lesson plan from my portfolio and asked me to modify it for a special needs student. Easy; my mom deals with that everyday, so I've been around it for a while. Next, how do you deal with a parent that's too involved. Simple; state my boundaries, and when they are crossed and only when they are crossed do I call in the principal to intervene. The last surprise question would have caught me off guard had I not heard the two previous interviews- sing us a song that you would use as a part of a lesson and tell us how you would form the lesson using the national standards. Whew; luckily I had reviewed my national standards and spouted them out like they were something I quoted every day. Boo-yah!
At the end of the interview, all the people present told me that I gave a great interview and they were very impressed with my interview and the portfolio packet that I sent. I went out the door smiling. Needless to say, that smile faded a little bit about an hour and a half after I left. The principal called me and said that they had offered the position to another person, but that had that person not accepted, I was their second choice. At least she had the politeness to call and let me know.
Oh well, have a margarita on me and celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

1 comment:
Sorry it didn't go well. I feel your pain.. Try try again.
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