Have you ever had one of those mornings when you wish you could just start over? That was me today. I woke up to a crying cat- his bowl was empty and he was hungry. When I looked at the clock, it was 7:40 AM. I have to be at work at 8:00 AM. Lovely.

Well, I get ready and walk out the door at 7:55 AM, and then proceed to wait in my driveway while the garbage truck, which is blocking the driveway, empties the dumpster. I pull out onto the road and head to the university.

When I get within a tenth of a mile from my office and usual parking area, I realize there are trucks parked all along the road and
big orange signs with arrows pointing out a detour route.

Lovely. The tree trimmers have made it even a better day. I follow the arrows and end up behind a flatbed truck who has stopped in the middle of the road, blocking both sides. Since I'm on a side road where lots of people park for free, there's no way to get around this braniac until he moves. So I sit... and wait... and wait some more. Again, lovely. Finally, this pillar of intellectual genius moves his vehicle, letting about seven cars through.

I continue to follow the arrows for the detour, only to see, you're going to love this by the way, a
semi on the street at the intersection blocking the way to Dickson St. I cut through the parking lot next to the street, only to come face to face with a Bud Light truck blocking the entrance.

I have never in my life been more frustrated. Eventually the Bud Light guy came out and moved his truck enough to let us by, but after that, my seven minute commute to work turned in to a 27 minute harrowing tour through the side roads of Fayetteville. Needless to say, I was late to work. Lovely.
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