Monday, December 28, 2009
Merry Christmas and Ho Ho Ho...
Monday, December 7, 2009
I'm Alive I Swear! Just Really Busy!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Procrastination is the New Trend
School is going very well. We are almost through the first nine weeks, if you can believe that. Nine weeks tests are next week, and parent teacher conferences the week after that. The choirs are working very hard. We've already started some Christmas music, and "Carol of the Bells" is progressing along at a very nice pace if I say so! Chamber Choir is currently working on the Cactus Cuties arrangement of "The Star Spangled Banner." We're going to record it tomorrow, so I can let you all hear how well they are sounding. I'm super proud of all my groups this year.
Braden has been home sick all this week. He's been running a really high temperature that we can't seem to stop from coming back. No swine flu, though, just some kind of bug!
Landon is growing by leaps and bounds. He will be three at the end of the month, if you can believe that. I just hope he fits into his monkey costume!
I've started the search for a new car. I have my choices narrowed down to a Ford Edge, a Nissan Murano, or a Chevy Equinox. Yes, I'm looking at crossover SUVs. Nothing is wrong with my car, except that it's twelve years old and has over 160,000 miles on it. But, I've got to have something I can haul around a piano and four kids, not to mention store the car seat and the booster seat for the nephews.
I don't know if all of you know, but I auditioned for the Izard County Community Theater in August. We are rehearsing for a Broadway revue that will include songs from Rent, South Pacific, West Side Story, The Pajama Game, The Sound of Music, and a lot of other musicals I can't remember off the top of my head. Our only problem is our director is in Little Rock at Children's Hospital with his son. His appendix burst last week, and he's still having a lot of problems. Keep them in prayers!
And, yesterday I received my school picture. Does this bring back horrible memories or what?!!

Friday, September 11, 2009
A New Normal
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
We buried Melanie today.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Just Like That

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Before... During...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's a Marry World!

Monday, July 13, 2009
The Time Traveler's Wife
Even if I was alone with a dead demon.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
What Do I Know of Holy
Unfailing God
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
One Man's Highly Qualified Is Another Man's Idiot?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
House Update
Kitchen During:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Jonathan Got a New Hip.
His leg had been fine, but over the last few years, it had started causing him problems. His doctor had been putting off a hip replacement for as long as possible, but in March, the doctor said it was time. His hip had reached a point where the femoral head, or ball-joint, was in necrosis and needed to be removed before Jonathan lost the ability to walk.
We travelled to Little Rock to St. Vincent's where Dr. Newbern and his staff replaced Jonathan's hip. (You can watch a short video on hip replacement here.) After two days, Jonathan was on his way home with a new hip and five inch incision with fifteen staples.
He's been staying with Mom and Dad since his house has lots of stairs and Melanie is at work most of the day. He's been a relatively good patient, not taking too much advantage of not being able to do much of anything. Keep him in your prayers; he's going to be at the mercy of others for another five weeks or so.
Revolutionary Road

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Holy Crow! What a Day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
American Idol

13 Days and Counting...
Saturday, the band director and I headed up a Talent Show fundraiser at the school. We had about 17 acts, and in the end, earned over $500. Many people were very excited about the Talent Show and asked us if we were going to do it again next year. Yeah! A tradition in the making.
We have an awards program for the seniors tomorrow night, and I really don't know how I'm going to get through this without crying. These kids have dealt with a lot over the last few years, so it was nice to have such a successful choir season. Graduation is Thursday night, and luckily the choir doesn't have to do anything. Good thing too: all but one of my basses and four of my altos are graduating! We ran a song this morning, just to hear the voicing in the room, and I was shocked!
I have my Elementary and Middle School concert next Thursday, and after that, I think it may be movie time! I really think the kids have worked super hard and deserve a break. And what's not to like about watching a musical with the projector and cool sound system with a whole lot of popcorn?
I really don't have any plans for the summer, except for working on my poorly neglected house. My brother is having a hip replacement June 2, so keep him in your prayers. And me and mom, since we'll be dealing with him and the boys for a couple of weeks! I'm also probably going to have to have my gall bladder taken out sometime this summer. If that happens, I'll keep you posted...
Now, if I can only make it through the next thirteen days... And with faces at home like these, I know it will go by "super" fast!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Concert Season
The High School Choir had their concert Thursday night. I was so proud of them. They did an amazing job! I never pictured myself directing a high school choir, but I did it. We sang six songs; you can view the program here. Anyway, I had eleven seniors in this group, and I am really going to miss them. Graduation is set for May 14th, and the seniors' last day is May 8th. I can't believe the year is almost over!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Exhaustion Has Set In
Friday, April 24, 2009
Mile Three!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
H2O Overload...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Praxis Shmaxis!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Their Round and Clear and Pop Really Easily...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mile Two
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I am the Spector of Death!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mile One
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I hate being sick...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monthly Report
I really didn't mean to go for almost a month before putting up a new post. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, lots of things have been happening. January 26 brought some light to heavy rain that decided to freeze as it fell. Because of that, I lived without electricity or phone at my house for almost two weeks. Okay, so I didn't live there when there wasn't electricity, I was at my parents' house, but the point is I was displaced because of the storm.
We were out of school for six days and are still suffering from the effects of the ice- no phones and internet at the elementary and no drinking water at the high school. Yes, I said no drinking water. Brockwell is under a boil order, so all the drinking fountains and such have been turned off. Each day, students and teachers are given one bottle of water to last all day. Mr. Walker, our superintendent, has filed an appeal to see if we can have the days we missed forgiven so we don't have to go through the middle of June.
The community in and of itself looks like a tornado has gone through it. A large quantity of trees are either down or have lost or broken branches. Houses have suffered lots of damage from falling trees and branches, not to mention the weight 3-4 inches of ice plus 5-6 inches of snow puts on roofs and trees. We're trying to get back to normal, and it looks like we are going to survive, as long as the tornadoes and straight line winds don't tear down all the work the electric companies just completed!
I officially am a homeowner. We closed on the house last week, so all the papers are signed and the deed to the house is now in my name with mom and dad. It's going to be so fun getting this house ready. As you can see from the pictures, there needs to be a lot of work. The previous owner had her own style of decorating that does not include good taste! I've been working on color pallets and flooring choices, and wishing for new furniture. We'll see what happens in the near future.
Viewing these pictures may cause you to want to vigorously clean your house and may insult your aesthetic sensibilities.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Don't Forget to Eat Some Black-Eyed Peas Today!
So, in order to bring me all the good luck and prosperity I can glean in the New Year, I'm making sure to eat some black-eyed peas. Plus, I need to make sure there's a tall, dark-haired man walking through my door as the first visitor in the new year. Some of these superstitions are kind of fun and crazy. But, I'm certainly not going to chance the black-eyed peas!
I've watched the ball drop in New York Times Square and am planning to watch my favorite parade in the morning, the Tournament of Roses Parade. Happy 2009 everyone!
Some fun New Year's memories:
Mid 1980's