I had a blast at Thanksgiving. Meme said it was the best one she's had in a long time. I took the day off work on Wednesday and took my time driving (since I had Oliver in the car). Oliver did not handle the trip well, even though he was fully medicated and hadn't eaten since the night before. Just imagine my gigantic kitty, lying with his feet in the air, in his carrier, drugged out of his mind, meowing. It was seriously one of the funniest things I've seen him do. Other than the peeing in the car incident, he handled the trip pretty well.

Thursday was uneventful, however I did not get my post-dinner coma like I normally do. I was very sad about that too, after ingesting enough tryptophan to lay out a horse (what can I say, I love me some turkey!). Friday was great: the Hogs beat #1 LSU in Baton Rouge in triple overtime! Bring back
the boot boys!

Saturday, however, brought some more drama to my life, although the morning started out with a little hairdressing for the baby. Dad decided it was time to chop down the two towering pine trees that resided at the corner of the house above my old bedroom. Since the electric company was trimming trees along our street (butchering as mom would say), he hired them to come do the job and hopefully cause the least damage. The gentlemen arrived on Saturday afternoon, and in the process of dropping the first tree, landed the tree on the power lines. The second tree was the most dangerous, since it was closest to the house. It went down with no problems. The power company came out and fixed the line (no major damage) very quickly.
Sunday was the worst drive I've had in a long time. Mom decided I needed to leave earlier than I wanted, since the weather was so bad. I made the tough decision to leave Oliver with Mom and Dad for a couple of weeks (a decision I regretted last night when I walked into my dark, lonely apartment), so I didn't have to worry about him getting sick in the back seat. Anyway, I made it home with no damage. It was a great weekend, but I sure could use a couple more days to recoop.
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