But that's really hard to do when your voice no longer works! I am struggling with my annual bout of laryngitis right now. Not the most opportune moment when you think that I am now teaching all the classes for Tami. Ugh! This sucks!
Alright, enough complaining. I was cornered twice today. Tami asked me if I was given the opportunity, what would I choose: elementary or middle school. I really don't know what I would pick. I've always said I wanted to teach elementary, but after working with middle school for the first part of my internship, I may be changing my mind. The little ones require so much energy, and I have to be constantly on my toes dealing with all these problems that maturity takes care of (like Billy wasn't exactly behind the line when we started our game...). Someone else asked me later that afternoon which I would prefer. Honestly, if I'm offered two positions, one in elementary and one in middle school, I would really have to think about it and take in to consideration the school district, the location, the other teachers, and, of course, the salary. I guess I've got some thinking to do...
I need everyone to pray. I really need a teaching job, I really need to pass all my Praxis II exams on the first try, and I have no choice but to start searching for a summer job. PRAY! PLEASE!
Anyway, here are a few pics from last week. I was able to teach the first and second graders last week. And Jami, I miss you too!

(Teaching second grade the lines and spaces of the Treble Clef)
(It's the Note Name Showdown!)
(Learning motions to "Going Over the Sea")
You know you would rather teach with middle schoolers!! (They are the bomb.com as Miss Harper would say.) Even though 6th grade boys can be stinky and rude, at least you can give them the ol double snap and they shape up! I wish you were going to be sharing an office with me next year...!
Me too :(
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