Yesterday, our second period class noticed that it was snowing, which caused all of their brains to shut down. It took almost two full minutes to get them under control again, and once we had their attention, we knew it wouldn't last long. We gave up on our lesson over the Bass Clef and moved on to the keyboards. But after ten minutes or so, Rachel and I both noticed the kids were all staring out the window rather than playing their piece on the keyboards. Rachel decided to throw in the towel and had the kids return to their chairs. She grabbed her guitar and as a class, we created a song with a country theme about the snow. The kids had fun and the activity wasn't just a waste of time; it actually met one of the national standards of music- to improvise!
After class was over, Rachel, Melanie, and I started calling around, trying to decide how bad the roads were. Shannon, the other music teacher, came from across town and said she slipped on the road about three times. Rachel decided that my day was over, so I packed up my things. As I was walking out the door, the principal decided the same thing and announced that school would be closing at noon.
It took me two hours to get home. Apparently people don't understand that SNOW IS SLICK! Slow down and back off! I don't understand why people want to drive like maniacs and tailgate in conditions like this. It makes no sense. Well, that was my soap box for the morning. I'm off to enjoy my snow day!
1 comment:
We are having a snow day too. It is February 14th and our snow days consist of plowing, shoveling, deicing, etc.etc. and that is AFTER one gets to work - Yes, I work for a company that takes care of getting your streets, parking lots, sidewalks etc. clear of the cold stuff. So our snow days are 24 hours long.
Actually walked to work this morning because the streets were too slippery to drive - of course, it is only a mile from my house, but a mile is like 10 in the snow and ice at least that's what my legs tell me.
Gotta go, phones are ringing.
Polly T.
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