One of my favorite collections of books from my childhood is the "Little House on the Prairie" collection. I can remember reading those for the first time when I was a little girl. And then I can remember watching Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingles on the television series. It was a family affair.
Recently, the national tour of the "Little House on the Prairie- The Musical" has been making the rounds. It was in Memphis at the beginning of December, and mom made the comment she would love to see it. Especially since Melissa Gilbert is playing the role of "Ma."
So, I got two tickets for her and me as a Christmas present. It was kind of a coup! She had no clue I had even remembered she said anything about it. We are staying with my aunt and uncle in Siloam Springs and going to the show Saturday afternoon. (It also gave me a good chance to test out my new car on the highway!)
I really can't wait to see this production. I've only heard good things about it, and I get to see MELISSA GILBERT!!!!