Too bad I had to sit through three hours of inservice dealing with literacy development so I didn't get to eat cake and ice cream at your party...
I didn't realize I hadn't posted in so long until I needed to look up something on my blog today. Sorry 'bout that. Lots of stuff has been going on in my neck of the woods. On the 17th, Landon's daycare had a Fall Festival, so I followed the nephews around and took some random photos of them playing at some of the games. Landon was so cute, he ended up in the local paper!
The next day, dad needed to check on a few properties for the bank in some area cities, so mom, Braden, Landon and I hopped into the Tahoe, and off we went. We ended up at a pumpkin patch in Quittman. Very random, but very fun.
I've had to bring all my plants into the house because the weather has turned so cold here. I've lived in NWA for the last several years, and I don't remember it ever being this cold before December. It just seems bitterly cold for so early. My Christmas cacti are blooming in other news...
That's about it for this edition of "Keeping Up with the Boonies." I've got some plans for this Friday night that include two little guys dressed up like a skunk and a monkey. Braden loved his skunk costume so much, he didn't want to take it off! Hopefully, Landon will feel the same way about his monkey suit on Friday.